Comox Valley Regional District Washroom Renovation
New and Functional Crew Shower Rooms
Important after a long hard shif
Operations and maintenance work at the Comox Valley Water Pollution Control Centre can be a dirty job at times, so having a highly functional crew room for clean up after a long shift is critical to the personal hygiene of the workers. When the Comox Valley Regional District decided to undertake a major renovation of their men’s and women’s crew washrooms, AFC Construction in the role of General Contractor was there to execute the work. Included in the contract was demolition of concrete floors slab, ceiling, and wall framing. After demolition, a completely new layout was constructed including wall framing, drywall, paint, flooring, ceilings, new plumbing systems, shower stalls, water closets, sinks, urinals, and reconfigured ductwork for heating and ventilation air.