Gas n Go Comox
Every Stakeholder Matters
Phased construction key to this environmentally-sensitive project
A rundown concrete block building is converted into The Gas n Go Comox facility by adding a combination of wood frame, timber frame and steel structures. Located in a sensitive ecological and archeological area, the project was completed with phased construction to address many environmental issues. Permanent strict safety controls are in-place including a site-specific storm water retention system, a large cistern for the fire suppression system and double walled underground fuel storage tanks.
Through all phases of this project, particularly during design and permit application, we worked collaboratively with the owner.
As construction managers, AFC carefully managed this politically and environmentally-sensitive project.
A key project consideration was its schedule. The schedule implemented not only met the needs of the owner, but also accommodated the mating habits of the protected eagles nesting on-site. And by confining construction activity to specific zones during defined periods, we resolved a variety of environmental constraints.
The challenge of the project, with it being located in an environmental and archeological sensitive area was successfully tackled by the AFC. The company has been determined to deliver a high-quality project that meets the needs for my business and all the requirements of the local authorities and beyond. The resourcefulness and strong communication skills of the AFC staff are steering the project to a successful completion, expect in early spring.
Wayne Procter, President/Owner Gas n Go

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