Pacific Rim National Park Washrooms
Improved facilities for West Coast visitors
Phased construction to minimize the impact of visitor's experience.
This project replaces 4 of the existing washroom buildings for public use and 2 of the washroom buildings in the Green Point Campground, all located in the Pacific Rim National Park. With the washroom buildings open year round the client phased the project over two winter seasons to minimize the impact on the public.
The building designs are highly engineered to meet seismic requirements while built on sandy soil with high ground water levels. Built in a National Park and on historic First Nations sites, close environmental and archeological monitoring ensured minimal impact of the construction activities. The civil scope was extensive and included tie-in of new sewer, water and power services into recent upgrades in the park.
Tight time frames were implemented in order to complete construction outside of the busy tourist season. The short schedule required concurrent work on 3 different building sites, with the sites up to a 20 minute drive apart. Although located between Tofino and Ucluelet, the project is considered remote with most materials and trades coming from the east coast of the island.
Both schedule and remoteness require careful planning of resources such as material deliveries, subtrades, consultants and own forces, making sure each building site has optimal progress using resources most efficiently.

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